Friday, May 27, 2011

Who is Mr Nuchem Rosenberg #2

As I was writing part 2 of our article of Mr. Nuchem Rosenberg, the tragedy of New Square broke, and of course Mr. Rosenberg jumped on it like a lion jumps on its prey when it’s hungry. The lion does not care what, where and when, anything that can be eaten gets killed.

Mr. Rosenberg took the same mentality here and went off on an entire community without facts, without finding out details and without even being in New Square to see firsthand details. Mr. Rosenberg went off on the Leader and Rabbi of New Square and called him names that are only used for the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Arafat, etc.
If my memory serves me right, Mr. Rosenberg has constantly said and I quote “I don’t get involved in anything only if it involved molesting kids” Mr. Rosenberg has said on his weekly rants time and time again, “I don’t care if you do anything in your private life, just stay away from the kids”
Us – The people who know Mr. Rosenberg – know full well that it’s all a lie, he does not care for the kids, he does not care for the adults and quite frankly he does not care about anyone other than himself. Mr. Rosenberg will discuss any issue and push his nose into any private disagreements, as long as he can bash a Jew, badmouth an individual and get ratings for his hotline.
Those of us that care for yiddishkeit and follow hashems way, know very well that it is impossible that the Squarer Rabbi shlit”a went over to this 18-year-old kid and told him go burn this man! We know the mind-set of an 18-year-old in our community. They are wild kids with a strong feeling for the rabbi and in their childish mind they think that was the right thing to do at the time.
Under no circumstances are we undermining the severity of this boy’s action at all. He did something terrible, he must pay a price for this and he will pay one. But let’s not get wild and take a community that has been together for 50 years and done nothing but develop beautiful jewish families and avdus hashem, and just destroy it over one terrible act!
We feel extremely bad for the Rottenberg family and for their pain, but please explain to me why you hired that lawyer? Mr. Sussman is known for an absolute Jew-Hater (Religious) and propaganda monger. What was the point of that?  What is it you want to accomplish now?
Bottom line, something terrible happened, and it is a big shame that it happened and I am sure the Federal government will investigate and punish the culprits. The bottom line is also very clear, that Mr. Rosenberg (who does not belong there at all) jumped on an opportunity to start bashing Rabbis without facts, without knowledge of what happened and decided to proclaim to the world how bad we are once again.
Someone explain to me what that story has to do with molesters and pedophiles? Someone explain to me what million other stories he gushes has to do with pedophiles? The answer is “IT DOES NOT! He just finds a way of getting attention and bad mouthing Jews and that’s all he always wanted and that was his goal in life, and precisely that is the reason why he is ostracized by the community and is surrounded and supported by a handful of outcasts.
While I am the subject, can someone tell me Mr. Rosenberg’s credentials even on molesters? Does he have a degree from a college on it? Did he go to school for it? The man is not qualified to be a public figure all together. He has an attitude, a filthy mouth and a dangerous mind. He is a self-appointed community spokesman with absolute no qualifications what so ever.
Fortunately our community is aware of his misconducts and bad behaviors, but the outside world is not and it is a must for everyone to educate the people that don’t know him and warn them about this dangerous man. Explain to your neighbors that this is a man that was kicked out of every community all over the world and this is a man that is driven by sucking other people’s blood.
We have written to the federal government letters about the actions of Mr. Rosenberg and explained to them that he is considered a mental-case in the community. He does not have 10 followers in the community and they should not take his speeches and dribble for face value.
May hashem help us all to have a healthy and holy Yom tov of Shvoius and may hashem set the record straight for all those that want to undermine his Jewish nation and may hashem keep his right hand over all of us

Friday, April 29, 2011

Who is Mr. Nuchem Rosenberg

Since the beginning of time, Jewish tradition was always unique, beautiful and exclusive. As the Talmud teaches us,
 הוא היה אומר, חביב אדם שנברא בצלם; חיבה יתרה נודעת לו שנברא בצלם, שנאמר "כי בצלם אלוהים,עשה את האדם" (בראשית ט,ו).  חביבין ישראל שנקראו בנים למקום; חיבה יתרה נודעת להם שנקראו בנים למקום, שנאמר "בנים אתם, לה' אלוהיכם" (דברים יד,א).  חביבין ישראל, שניתן להם כלי שבו נברא העולם; חיבה יתרה נודעת להם שניתן להם כדי שבו נברא העולם, שנאמר "כי לקח טוב, נתתי לכם; תורתי, אל תעזובו" (משלי ד,ב.
(Rabbi Akiva used to say: Beloved is the man that he was created in the image of G-d; an extra love is made known to him that he was created in G-d's image, as it says (Genesis 9:6) "for in His own image G-d made humankind".  Beloved are the Jews that they are called sons to G-d; an extra love is made known to them that they are called sons to G-d, as it says (Deuteronomy 14:1) "You are children of the Lord your G-d."  Beloved are the Jews that there has been given to them the precious instrument; an extra love is made known to them that they were given the precious instrument of the world's creation, as it says (Proverbs 4:2) "For I give you good precepts; do not forsake my teaching.")
We are the one he prides himself with, and we are the ones that he gave the Torah to keep the world going, as it is stated in Pirkei Avos על שלושה דברים העולם עומד--על התורה, ועל העבודה, ועל גמילות החסדים – (On three things the world is sustained: on the Torah, on the (Temple) service, and on deeds of loving kindness).
Unfortunately, History has shown us that along with being G-d’s children and being the chosen people, we attract opposition, jealousy and hate. In every generation of our blessed history, Jewish people always had to fight off enemies and people that tried to exterminate us. Jewish people endured killings and genocides for thousands of years and always survived it and came out stronger and more defiant, Jewish people never blinked an eye and never gave an inch.
An even more painful fight that we had to endure is one that tries to destroy our spiritual basis!  The attempt-massacre of Torah Jewry! Every generation had to fight with an individual that was out to destroy the core of our existence, the lifestyle that makes us what we are and the foundation of being a Jew. Our generation is unfortunately not exempt to this plague.
Mr. Nuchem Rosenberg is a man that has been abusing our way of living and destroying the core value of our existence with pure lies, distortion, falsification, fabrications and misrepresentations.
Ladies and gentleman. Let me tell you why we created this site, what we are going to accomplish with this site and to whom this site was written for.
This site was created for one simple reason: we are committed to expose Mr. Rosenberg, expose his lies, expose his motives, expose his reasoning for his action and to expose his illegal activities (Halacha and judicial)
The majority of the “New York Jewish” (Chassidic – Orthodox) community don’t need this site at all. We all know what Mr. Rosenberg is all about, we all know that he is a self-appointed spokesman, we all know that he does not represent a single person in our community, we all know that he does not have ONE SINGLE PERSON that will publicly endorse him, we all know that every single community leader and rabbi has thrown him into isolation many years back and is an outcast in this community. What this community might not know, is the reasoning and motives for his work, and we will expose it and with G-d’s help bring it to the proper authorities.
There are two different groups however that are not educated and have no means of hearing any point-of-view other than Mr. Rosenberg’s.
1.      The Jewish communities outside of the Tri-State area
2.      The Non-Jewish population everywhere.
Mr. Rosenberg has been using the mass media as an outlet to puke his lies and distortions; He has used the media to freely push his agenda and had - Big-time - profited from it , Mr. Rosenberg has done it under the disguise of being a Rabbi and community leader. He is neither a Rabbi nor a community leader! He has aligned himself with unqualified garbage and litter and decided to represent us in the media.
Mr. Rosenberg does not speak for us; he is not qualified to speak for us; he will never speak for us and in short time the whole world will see him as the fraud he really is.
One of the previous rabbis said:  “If everyone is happy with us – it cannot be a very good sign”. He was referring, that Jewish people have to be different than the rest of the world and the rest of the world HAVE to notice that we are different and not be happy about it. If they are happy with us, then it is a sign that we are not different enough and we are not following G-d’s ways to its best value.
Ladies and gentleman, we must be doing a very good job and hopefully worshiping G-d the way he wants us to.
This site will not be a site that rebuttals Mr. Rosenberg’s speeches or any kind of hate that he pukes. This site was not meant to give attention to this heretic and deceitful person. This site will strictly serve as an education for anyone that wants the truth and to put an end to this great tragedy.
To the people in our community, I say the following:
We are blessed to live in a country that gives us free speech; Mr. Rosenberg will continue to vomit his garbage every single week. Remember that this man has been ostracized by every community leader and Rabbis from different sects all over the world. If you would not want your kids to get an education on his hotline, you should not listen to him either. Do the right thing and make a stand against this man. This is a man that dedicated his poor existence by torching people for his own gain; this is a man that dedicated his life by badmouthing a community on a daily basis; this is a man that took it upon himself to declare war on everything good we stand for.
To the people outside the community, I say the following:
Mr. Rosenberg does not represent a single person in our community; he fabricates lies and runs to the media unchallenged.
Our schools are safe, our community is safe, our way of living is beautiful and our children are being raised in a great environment. As in every community, there are bad apples, and those should be dealt with and they are being dealt with. Mr. Rosenberg is not qualified to deal with it and he is even less qualified to discuss the matter. The State of New York has a great court System; Mr. Charles Hynes is a great District-Attorney and does a great job without Mr. Rosenberg and our Rabbis and community leaders are working non-stop to make this a  safe community and have been doing so for the past 40 years.

I will just respond to one question Mr. Rosenberg always tries to justify his stance, and it goes something like that “How come there are very few reported molestations incidents in our community? – It must be we are hiding it”
Well, let me say it this way:
Compare the murder rate of the rest of the country and our murder rate – we're lower
Compare the violent crimes rate of the rest of the country and our violent crimes rate – we're lower
Compare the divorce rate of the rest of the country (Over 50%) and our divorce rate – we're lower
Now, compare the molestation rate of the rest of the country and our molestation rate – It’s only common sense that we're lower
We live a unique lifestyle and violent crimes (Baruch Hashem) is very rare in our community, so it is the biggest joke to support a theory through his baseless accusations that we don’t report it. We don’t report it, because they hardly exist  - and the few that do exist -  we report.
Mr. Rosenberg has declared war on every single teacher in our community, on every single rabbi in our community and on everything positive in our lives. By doing so, he has given a free pass for the couple of real molesters and abusers, since he has been crying wolf for 10 years. In our community we are used to the fact, that he must produce a “new-molester” every single week in order to get ratings for his hotline, and  has been doing so without consequences for a very long time.
In the next posting we will start breaking down some of his tactics and start exposing his motives behind his movement. Stay tuned.
P.S. everything we write and post is reviewed by rabbis and leaders and it won’t take long before you know who the rabbis are. There are many things that are being worked on right now and will be made public shortly.
רבי אלעזר אומר, הוי שקד ללמוד מה שתשיב את אפיקורוס 
With g-d’s help we will succeed to rid ourselves from this malicious and evil person.